报告题目:Corruption costs lives: evidence from a cross-country study
报告人:李强 博士
报告摘要:This paper investigates the effect of corruption on health outcomes by using recent cross-country panel data covering about 150 countries for the period of 1995 to 2012. By employing OLS, fixed effects model and 2SLS methods to cross check the results to different model specifications, it is found that corruption significantly increases mortality rates, reduce life expectancy, immunization rates and fertility rate. The results are quite consistent across different regions, different gender, and different measures of corruption. The findings suggest that corruption reduction itself is an effective method to improve health outcomes. Many other interesting findings are documented.
李强博士,现为西南民族大学经济学院副教授,主要研究方向:劳动经济学、卫生经济学和应用计量经济学。主要经历:2007.9-2012.6,西南财经大学西方经济学专业博士(硕博连读);2011.8-2012.08,北佛罗里达大学 (University of North Florida)访问学者。
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