华南农业大学37000cm威尼斯官网首聘副教授,硕士生导师,上海财经大学经济学博士。主要研究方向为劳动经济学和发展经济学,主要研究话题为家庭经济行为、人力资本、农村数字化和养老保障等,特别关注退役军人、老年人、农民工和儿童等特殊群体和弱势群体。近五年以第一作者或通讯作者在Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice、Cities、China Economic Review、Journal of Happiness Studies、Review of Development Economics、Journal of Business Research、Journal of Policy Modeling以及《经济科学》《中国软科学》等国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文近40篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,省部级项目多项。担任China Economic Review、Journal of Happiness Studies等30余本学术期刊的外审专家。
(1)Zhao, C., Xu, G., & Cai, W. (2024). Troops are business schools: Military service and entrepreneurial behaviors in China. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Online. (SSCI Q1, FT50, ABS4*,中科院1区Top)
(2)Zhao, C., Chen, B., & Li, X. (2023). Rising housing prices and marriage delays in China: Evidence from the urban land transaction policy. Cities, 135, 104214. (SSCI Q1,中科院1区Top)
(3)Zhao, C., Wu, Y., & Guo, J. (2022). Mobile payment and Chinese rural household consumption. China Economic Review, 71, 101791. (SSCI Q1,中科院2区)
(4)Zhao, C., & Guo, J.* (2022). Are veterans happy? Long-term military service and the life satisfaction of elderly individuals in China. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23(2), 477-508. (SSCI Q1,中科院2区Top)
(5)Zhao C., & Li, X.* (2022). Living under the shadow: Adverse childhood experiences and entrepreneurial behaviors in Chinese adults. Journal of Business Research, 138, 239-255. (SSCI Q1,中科院2区Top)
(6)Li, X., Zhao, C.,* & Cao, J. (2023). Official turnover and sustainable development in China. Journal of Chinese Political Science, Online. (SSCI Q1,中科院1区)
(7)Wei, B., Zhao, C.,* Luo, M., Jia, Z., & Xia, H. (2024). Beyond the scenery: Understanding the impact of rural tourism development on household consumption in China. Review of Development Economics, Online. (SSCI)
(8)Zhao, C., & Chen, B. (2023). ICT in education can improve students’ achievements in rural China: The role of parents, educators and authorities. Journal of Policy Modeling, 45(2), 320-344. (SSCI Q2,中科院2区)
(9)Zhao, C., Wang, Y., & Ge, Z. (2023). Is digital finance environmentally friendly in China? Evidence from shared-bike trips. Transport Policy, 138, 129-143. (SSCI Q1,中科院2区)
(10)Zhao, C., & Chen, B.* (2022). Parental migration and non-cognitive abilities of left-behind children in rural China: Causal effects by an instrumental variable approach. Child Abuse & Neglect, 123, 105369. (SSCI Q1,中科院2区Top)
(11)Chen, B., & Zhao, C.* (2022). More is less: Homeroom teachers' administrative duties and students' achievements in China. Teaching and Teacher Education, 119, 103857. (SSCI Q1,中科院2区Top)
(12)Zhao, C., Chen, B., & Song, Z. (2024). School nutritious feeding and cognitive abilities of students in poverty: Evidence from the nutrition improvement program in China. Children and Youth Services Review, 159, 107519. (SSCI Q1,中科院2区)
(13)Chen, B., & Zhao, C.* (2023). Teachers’ administrative positions and students’ non-cognitive abilities in China: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment. Applied Economics, Online. (SSCI)
(14)Wei, B., Luo, M., & Zhao, C.* (2024). Bridging the gap: the effect of rural e-commerce development on internal income inequality in China. Applied Economics, Online. (SSCI)
(15)Zhao, C., Guo, J., & Yan, J. (2023). Military service and health outcomes of the elderly in China. Armed Forces & Society, Online. (SSCI)
(16)Zhao, C., Li, X., & Yan, J. (2024). The effect of digital finance on residents' happiness: The case of mobile payments in China. Electronic Commerce Research, 24(1), 69-104. (SSCI)
(17)Guo, J., & Zhao, C.* (2019). Impacting factors of the Chinese military enterprises' capital structure and approaches of importing private capital. Defence and Peace Economics, 30(7), 858-876. (SSCI)
(18)Liao, L., Zhao, C.,# Li, X., & Qin, J. (2021). Towards low carbon development: The role of forest city constructions in China. Ecological Indicators, 131, 108199. (SCI Q1,中科院2区Top)
(19)Li, X., & Zhao, C.* (2024). Did innovative city constructions reduce carbon emissions? A quasi-natural experiment in China. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26(3), 6315-6340.(SCI)
(20)Li, X., & Zhao, C.* (2023). Can national forest city construction mitigate air pollution in China? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 45(6), 3003-3024.(SCI)
(21)Zhao, C., Deng, M., & Cao, X. (2021). Does haze pollution damage urban innovation? Empirical evidence from China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(13), 16334-16349. (SCI)
(22)赵纯凯, 湛泳, 陈华帅. 来自军营的印记——军人职业与老年人健康. 经济科学, 2023(2): 227-240. (CSSCI)
(23)马翠廉, 赵纯凯. 政治体制、经济发展与恐怖主义:来自上合组织的证据.中国软科学, 2021(1): 11-20. (CSSCI)
(24)湛泳, 赵纯凯. 资本市场发展、军民融合与产业结构优化升级. 南开经济研究, 2016(5): 36-54. (CSSCI, 人大复印报刊资料全文转载)
(25)谢罗奇, 王宇航, 赵纯凯. 包容性金融对居民幸福感的影响——基于CFPS数据的实证研究. 人口与发展, 2019, 25(6): 65-75. (CSSCI)
(26)谢罗奇, 龚玲, 赵纯凯. 官员晋升、金融发展与环境污染——来自市长变更的证据. 山西财经大学学报, 2018, 40(8): 15-26. (CSSCI)